About me


My name is Ifat and I am a software development engineer and a blogger.

I enjoy learning and love helping others. At University I was the one sitting in the front row taking notes, and sharing them with my classmates after. Documenting the material, knowing it will be read by others, made me do it better – so it helped me as well.

This blog was born because I wanted to share knowledge. The first year of my studying at University wasn’t smooth and my goal here is to make the computer science world more welcoming for people that feel like I did.

Lastly, because we are on the ‘about me’ page, I will take the opportunity to thank you for visiting here 🙂 Enjoy!

Want to chat? I’d love to! You can find me on LinkedIn or email me at cupofcode.blog@gmail.com.

Wonder what I sound like? Here are some lectures I gave (in Hebrew):