Introduction to AWS: Cloud Computing and Global Infrastructure
Want to get into the AWS world? This is where you should start!

A Non-Scary Introduction to The Wondrous World of Git
Git commands you need to know, simply explained, with hands-on examples!

This Is How You Create “In-Between” AWS CloudWatch Alarms
Here is all you need to know, for those who are *not* AWS experts but still need to complete their tasks

Things I’ve Learned in My First Year Abroad
A year of living in Dublin, a year of working at Amazon, a year without visiting home

My Thoughts on Social Media – 2020 Edition
Here is what you should think about when considering quitting social media. Not considering quitting? Well, maybe you should

AliceCode — Amazing Community of Future Engineers for Girls
“The best way to predict the future is to create it” – Peter Drucker

The Man With The 𝜋 Tie
“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” - William Arthur Ward

Tips For Students From BIU’s Outstanding Lecturer
Here are Dr. Erez Sheiner’s opinions on subjects that concern many students

Software Engineer
I believe that anyone can learn anything and I’m here to share knowledge.
I write about things that interest me as a software engineer, and I find interest in various subjects
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