Cup of Code

Consuming tech in an enjoyable way


Welcome to cup of code, a blog about software engineering and more!

For the blog’s one year anniversary I got a domain! This website is still in the building. In the meantime, you are welcome to visit the blog on other platforms: Facebook, Medium, Instagram.

You can also contact me via email:

See you later!

Blogging is my hobby, so I happily spend time and money on it. If you enjoyed this blog post, putting 1 euro in my tipping jar will let me know :) Thank you for your support!

Blogging is my hobby, so I happily spend time and money on it. If you enjoyed this blog post, putting 1 euro in my tipping jar will let me know :) Thank you for your support!


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I ask for your name so I will a bit about you.
If it doesn’t suit you, write anything you want, preferably something funny like “Ash Ketchum” or “Taylor Swift”.

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Software Engineer

I believe that anyone can learn anything and I’m here to share knowledge.
I write about things that interest me as a software engineer, and I find interest in various subjects :)

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